How Non-Fungible Pixels work?
Decentralized Advertising Platform…
Project webpage:
Non-Fungible Pixels has 1458 cells, 18 blocks, and a dashboard.
1 cell consists of 32x32 pixels.
81 cells create 1 Block.
18 blocks constitute the dashboard.
You can buy at least 1 Cell and a maximum of 9 Cells (3x3 form) at 1 time. If you would like to buy more than 9 cells you need to repeat this process. You can put your advertisement each cell 1 by 1 and also you can use cells together that you bought next to next.
How to use Non-Fungible Pixels?
Nobody can block your ideas, share your ideas, do your own marketing.
Non-Fungible Pixels is a digital marketing platform as a concept. You can exhibit the image and share the link you want on the cells that belong to you forever unless you trade your cells. Due to the Blockchain technology, no one can take your cell from you and no one can ban the product that you advertise. Even us…
You need Metamask Wallet to use our project. Here you can see the details of Metamask if you are not familiar with it. Our project is powered by Avalanche, so you need to set up Metamask on Avalanche for description follow the link, please.
You need to connect your wallet to mint the cell that you want to buy. Click the Action button on top of the right. When you click the Action button you can see the Posters which have 9x9 cells can be seen below.
You can find more technical information in our previous article about NFTs. The cells can be traded and can be kept in wallets as tokens.
Empty cells represent that you minted cells but you did not cover them with an image. These cells are NFTs and kept in your wallet.
Not minted cells represent that are not minted yet.
Unavailable cells show that cells belong to someone else.
Occupied cells mean you own the cell and you already exhibit an image and share a link on it. You have the authority to change or delete the image that you cover your cells.
You could mint 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x1, 2x2, 2x3, 3x1, 3x2, and 3x3 cells at a once. Of course, you can mint larger than 3x3 cells but you need to repeat this process. The example above image shows that 2x3 cells are minted. 2 represents the row number of cells and 3 represents the column number of minted cells.
Afterward, you put the URLs of your website and the image that you want to cover your cells as you can see above the image. At this point, the resolution of the images and the resolution of your cells must be met. For example, if you have a 2x3 cell, you need to put a 64x96 pixels size image on your cells. As a reminder 1 cell consists of 32x32 pixels, so you need to arrange your images according to this resolution size.
If you have 3x3 cells, you could use is like 1x3 + 2x3 or 2x2 + 2x1 + 1x3 any other combinations.
Congratulations! Now you have minted your Cell(s) and covered it with your image and website link.